Our Story

If you knew our story...

You would understand why Life.Legacy.Hope is so close to our hearts.

It all began in January 1997, when our mom, Debbie, faced a breast cancer diagnosis at just 42 years old. What followed was a challenging journey filled with a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Yet, through it all, her positive spirit shone brightly. We still remember the Hat & Scarf parties, the laughter shared over dinners with friends, and how she turned fear into a narrative of courage and faith.

Fast forward to October 2016. Mom’s cancer returned, this time as HER2 positive. By then, we were older and starting families of our own, and her diagnosis weighed heavily on us. But Mom faced this challenge with incredible grace, undergoing a single mastectomy and 52 weeks of chemotherapy. Each day became a celebration of life, a reminder of the precious moments we shared.

In February 2018, we gathered to ring the bell, marking the end of her second round of treatments. The joy in her eyes was a moment we’ll never forget; she had triumphed over cancer once again.

Our journey took another turn in late 2018 when Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer for a third time, presumed to be a recurrence in the same spot. Surrounded by family and friends, she bravely began another round of treatment, which included 6 weeks of radiation and another 52 weeks of chemotherapy. Each week, we could go and sit with her to help her pass the time and find "joy" from the chair. Even in a chemo chair, precious memories are made.

Then came the COVID-19 pandemic, bringing new challenges. With restrictions in place, we could no longer be by her side during treatments. Yet, even in isolation, Mom found ways to connect, befriending fellow patients and the medical staff.

Mom range the bell for a 3rd time in October of 2020. Another day of celebration!!

In May 2021, we received the heart-wrenching news that Mom had metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her liver. After enduring 18 rounds of chemotherapy, we celebrated when the cancer disappeared, granting her a much-needed break.

Now, in April 2024, we’re facing another challenge as Mom’s cancer has returned. She had a radiation treatment and currently undergoes chemotherapy every three weeks. Despite the obstacles, her strength and unwavering faith continue to inspire us each day.

If you knew our story, you would see how it drives our mission at Life.Legacy.Hope. We aim to honor Mom’s journey by sharing our experiences with others who may be facing similar battles. We believe in providing love, encouragement, and community, celebrating life in all its forms, and finding joy even in the toughest times.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Together, we can create a legacy of hope.


"You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved."

The battle against breast cancer is not always easy. It comes with fear, side effects and an unlimited amount of emotions, but it is part of our story, and we know it is a story many others share.

Life.Legacy.Hope is about bringing friends and family together even during the hardest of times, and to bring hope to those facing breast cancer. We have partnered with some amazing organizations helping cancer patients in their fight. With your support, 10% of our profits goes toward enriching the lives of those battling breast cancer.